The issue of arms production, the transfer of arms and converting military resources to use them for civilian purposes has for long been the central focus of my research. I have published several books and many reports, articles in research journals and in newspapers from the early 1970s until recently. The focus was the arms industry, exports of major convential weapons and small arms. Since the establishment of the Bonn International Center of Conversion my research interest was conversion of miltary resources including the arms industry.
Die Mär vom NATO-Defizit
full text, in IPG Journal, April 2024.
Agonising over Europe's Defence. Some Narratives are Getting Ahead of the Facts.
full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute, April 2024.
Defense Industry Europe
full text, authors: Sebastian Schulze-Marmeling, Peter Wilke, Herbert Wulf, in: industrial (European Trade Union) and Syndex. Brussels 2022.
Den Gürtel weiter schnallen (Military Expenditures in Europe),
full text, in IPG Journal, June 2022.
Squaring the Circle
full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute June 2022.
Panikpolitik (politics in panic)
full text, in IPG Journal, March 2022.
Exhausts to respirators? Experiences in the conversion of production sites help to avoid misleading simplifications.
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Auspuffe zu Atemgeräten? Erfahrungen mit Konversion von Produktionsstätten helfen, irreführende Vereinfachungen vermeiden.
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Analysis of SIPRI's arms production data: Some suggestions for expansion, in: The Economics of Peace and Security Journal,
full text, Vol. 13, No.2/2018, p. 26-29.
Waffenhandel außer Kontrolle? (Arms Trade out of Control?), in: Wissenschaft und Frieden,
full text, Dossier 71, 4/2012, p. 2-3.
Libyen: Land voller Waffen (Libya: full of weapons), in: Johannes M. Becker und Gert Sommer (eds.), Der Libyen-Krieg (The War in Libya). Lit Verlag, Berlin 2012, pp. 237-255.
Will the European Defence Market Strengthen or Weaken the EU's Foreign and Security Policy? in: Alyson J.K. Bailes and Sara Depau (eds.), The EU Defence Market, Flemish Peace Institute,
full text, pp. 23 - 30.
Konversion 2.0 (Conversion 2.0), in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, vol. 29, no. 2, 2011,
full text, pp. 31-34
Friedensdividende (Peace Dividend), in: Hans J. Gießmann, Bernhard Rinke (eds), Handbuch Frieden, VS Verlag Wiesbaden 2011, pp. 138-148.
Anticipating restructuring in the European defence industry: Report for the EU Commission (co-author)
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Following the Trail: Production, Arsenals, and Transfers of Small Arms, in: Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Review, Spring 2005, 26-30. (with Anna Khakee).
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Managing the Global Problem Created by the Convential Arms Trade: An Assessment of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, in: Global Governance, vol. 11, no. 2, 2005, 225-246. (with Edward J. Laurance and Hendrik Wagenmakers).
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Deutscher Export von Waffen boomt. (The booming German arms export). in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, no. 3, 2005, 45-47.
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Conventional Arms Transfers: Surplus Weapons and Small Arms. Seminar paper. Geneva July 1998.
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Coping with surplus weapons, in: BICC brief 3, June 1995 (with Edward J. Laurance, eds)
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Conversion and the integration of economic and security dimensions. Report 1, 1995. Bonn International Center for Conversion, (with Edward J. Laurance and Joeseph Di Chiaro).
An Evaluation of the Second Year of Reporlting the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms. in: The Nonoproliferation Review, Fal 1994, 99 - 111 (with Edward J. Laurance and Christina K. Woodward.
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The internationalization of the arms industry. in: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, (September 1994) 535, 43 57. (with Elisabeth Sköns).
Arms Industry Limited. SIPRI. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press, 1993. Editor.
Arms Watch. SIPRI Report on the First Year of the UN Register of Conventional Arms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. with Edward J Laurance and Siemon T. Wezeman.
list of content and
selected pages of Google books
West European arms production. Structural changes in the new political environment. Stockholm: SIPRI research report, 1990. (with Ian Anthony and Agnes Courades Allebeck).
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Contribution to SIPRI Yearbboks 1985 - 1997
Konversion - ein weites Arbeitsfeld.(Conversion - broad activity) in: Wissenschaft und Frieden vol. 13, no. 1, 1996.
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Abrüstung, Entwicklung, Sicherheit: Eine überflüssige Konferenz? (Disarmament, Development,Security: a superflous conference?). in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1987. vol. 4, no. 5.
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Rüstungswirtschaft - Konversion statt weitere Aufrüstung (Defence Economics - Conversion instead of Armaments). in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1986. vol. 3, no. 5.
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Sozialabbau und Aufrüstung (Cuts in the Social Net and Armaments). in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1983. vol. 1, no. 1.
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Consequences of the transfer of military-oriented technology on the development process. in: Bulletin of Peace Proposals, vol. 8, no. 3, 1977,127-136. (with Peter Lock).
Sage Archive Security Dialogue
Wachstum durch Rüstung? Zum Zusammenhang von wirtschaftlicher und militärischer Sicherheit. (Growth through armaments?). in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, vol. 22, no. 4, 1977, 413 433. (with Peter Lock).
Deutsche Rüstungsexporte trotz Beschränkungen: Folgen für die Bundesrepublik und die Dritte Welt. (German arms exports despite restrictions: consequences for the Federal Republic of Germany and the Third World). in: Friedensanalysen, no. 3, 1976, 83 100. (with Peter Lock).
Militarization, Arms Transfer and Arms Production in Peripheral Countries. In: Journal of Peace Research. vol. XII, no. 3, 1975. (with Ulrich Albrecht, Dieter Ernst and Peter Lock).
Sage Archive Journal of Peace Research
New trends and actors in the arms transfer process to peripheral countries. A preliminary assessment of peace research, some hypotheses and research proposals. in: Instant Research on Peace and Violence, no. 5, 1975,185 196. (with Peter Lock).
Rüstung und militarisierter Entwicklungsprozess in peripheren Ländern (Armaments and the process of militarized development in peripheral countries). in: Leviathan, vol. 3, no. 4, 1975, 550 576. (with Ulrich Albrecht and Peter Lock).
Armaments and Underdevelopment. In: Friedensforschung und Entwicklungspolitik. Jahrbuch für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. vol. 4, 1974, 23-38 - Düsseldorf, 1975. (with Ulrich Albrecht).
Armaments and Underdevelopment. In: Bulletin of Peace Proposals. vol. 5, no. 1, 1974, 173-185. (with Ulrich Albrecht, Dieter Ernst and Peter Lock).
Sage Archive Security Dialogue