Armed violence and wars in many countries, especially in conflict and post-conflict societies create a situation of insecurity. Weak countries lack the means to deal effectively with such conflicts. In order to open a path to peace in such societies it is essential to create or restore a monopoly of force that is not limited to the nation-state, but addresses the local, the regional and global level as well.
Reaktionen der BRICS auf den Ukrainekrieg
full text, in Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Global Auswirkungen des Kriegs in der Ukraine, December 2023.
Krieg als Geschäft
full text, in Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Deutschland Archiv, 20. Oktober 2023.
"Rent-a-Soldier": War as Business
full text, in Policy Brief 170, Toda Peace Institute, September 2023.
Beredtes Schweigen. Warum die Einbeziehung von Rüstungsanstrengungen bei den SDGs wichtig wäre.(Articulate Silence. Including arms racing in the SDGs would be important).
full text in Tobias Deibel (ed) Entwicklungspolitik in Zeiten der SDGs. INEF, Duisburg, 81-85.
Politikberatung und Dialog.Thesen zur friedensethischen Verantwortlichkeit der Kirchen. (Policy advice and dialogue. Thesis about peace ethical responsibilities of the churches), in: Ines-Jacqueline Werkner and Christina Schüsse (eds.) Gerechter Frieden als Orientierungswissen, Springer VS 2018, 89-105.
Monopoly on the Use of Force: The Rules of the Game are Changing
full text, in Vision on Humanity, November 2017.
Sicherheit weiter denken. Plädoyer für ein neues europäisches friedens- und sicherheitspolitisches Leitmotiv (Future Security. Opting for a new European peace and security Leitmotiv). co-authored with Bodo Schulze.
full text in Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Internationale Politikanalyse, November.
Report of the FES Reflection Group of the Monopoly on the Use of Force 2.0?, Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty. Opting for a Mosaic Security System
full text
Berlin, June.
Is there a need for new peace and security rules in the twenty-first century? co-authored with Mely Caballero-Anthony and Marius Müller-Hennig, in Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Reflection Group Think Piece 01
full text
Tendencies to Rearrange,Dismantle, Damage, and Destroy the Monopoly on the Use of Force - Causes, Consequences, and Types, in Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Reflection Group Think Piece 03
full text
Staatsbildung in Afghanistan: gut gemeint, falsch geplant, schlecht gemacht (state-building in Afghanistan: well intended, poorly planned, wrongly implemented), in: B. Rinke, Ch. Lammers, R. Meyers and G. Simonis (eds), Interventionen Revisited, Springer Wiesbaden, 191-204.
Der Waffenhandelsvertrag. Ist das Glas halb voll oder halb leer?, in: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden, Global Governance Spotlight 3/2013,
full text.
The Arms Trade Treaty. Is the glass half full or half empty?, in: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden, Global Governance Spotlight 3/2013,
full text.
Violence and Security Concerns in Post-Conflict Situations (Sabine Kurtenbach / Herbert Wulf), in: Institute for Development and Peace, University of Duisburg (Project Working Paper 3),
full text
Comment to Violence and Security Concerns in Post-Conflict Situations
full text.
The Privatization of Violence: A Challenge to State-Building and the Monopoly on Force, in: Brown Journal of World Affairs, Fall/Winter 2011, vol. XVIII, issue 1,
full text, pp. 137 - 149.
Security Sector Reform in Developing and Transitional Countries Revisited, in: Beatrix Austin, Martina Fischer and Hans J. Giessmann (eds.), Advancing Conflict Transformation. The Berghof Handbook II, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen
full text, pp. 337-357.
Friedensdividende (Peace Dividend), in: Hans J. Gießmann, Bernhard Rinke (eds), Handbuch Frieden, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011, pp. 138-148.
Frieden und Politikberatung (Peace and Policy Advice), in: Hans J. Gießmann, Bernhard Rinke (eds), Handbuch Frieden, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011, pp. 495-502.
Gut gemeint ist längst nicht gut. Über die Umsetzung des Aktionsplans Zivile Krisenprävention (Well Meaning is not Good Implementation: On the Implementation of the Action Plan Civil Crises Prevention), in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, vol. 28, no. 4, 2010,
full text, pp. 44-47.
Staatsbildung in Afghanistan. Eine fehlgeschlagene Strategie (State Building in Afghanistan. A Misguided Strategy), in: Afghanistan: Ein Krieg in der Sackgasse (Afghanistan: A Misguided War). Lit Verlag, Berlin 2010, pp. 161-180. (edited with Johannes M. Becker)
Systemic Disconnects: Why Regional Organizations Fail to Use Early Warning and Response Mechanisms, in: Global Governance, vol. 16, no. 4, 2010,pp. 525-547
full text, (co-author: Tobias Debiel).
Military Security between Rearmament, Democratisation and Privatisation, in: Debiel, Tobias, Dirk Messner, Franz Nuscheler, Michele Roth and Conrnelia Ulbert, (eds.): Global Trends 2010. Peace, Development, Environment.
full text, pp. 19 - 40.
Militärische Sicherheit zwischen Aufrüstung, Demokratisierung und Privatisierung (Military Security between Armaments, Democratization and Privatization), in: Debiel, Tobias, Dirk Messner, Franz Nuscheler, Michele Roth and Conrnelia Ulbert, (eds.): Globale Trends 2010. Frieden, Entwicklung, Umwelt. Frankfurt/M.: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2009,
Staatliches Gewaltmonopol und privatisiere Gewalt - Dilemmata der Legitimität (State Monopoly of Violence and Privatized Force - Dilemmas of Legitimacy), in Loccumer Protokolle 24/08
publisher, pp. 127-140.
Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanisms: tools for enhancing the effectiveness of regional organisations? a comparative study of the AU, ECOWAS, IGAD, ASEAN/ARF and PIF by Herbert Wulf and Tobias Debiel. London School of Economics. Crisis State Research Centre Working Papers 49.2.
full text
Still Under Construction. Regional Organisations' Capacities for Conflict Prevention. INEF Report 97/2009 (Institute for Development and Peace, University of Duisburg/Essen) edited by Herbert Wulf.
full text
Challenging the Weberian Concept of the State: The Future of the Monopoly of Violence. in: Autralian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Occasional Paper 9, December 2007.
full text
Good Governance Beyond Borders: Creating a Multi-level Public Monopoly of Legitimate Force. in: Geneva Centre for the Control of the Armed Forces, Occasional Paper 10, April 2006.
full text
Reconstructing the Public Monopoly of Legitimate Force. In: Alan Bryden and Marina Caparini (eds.), Private Actors and Security Governance. Berlin/Z¸rich: Lit, 2006, 87-106.
full text
Good Governance Beyond Borders: Creating a Multi-level Public Monopoly of Legitimate Force. in: Geneva Centre fort he Control of the Armed Forces, Occasional Paper 10, April 2006.
full text
The challenges to re-establishing a public monopoly of violence, in: Marlies Glasius and Mary Kaldor, (eds). A Human Security Doctrine for Europe: Project, Principles, Practicalities. Oxford: Routledge, 2005, 20-40.
Managing the Global Problem Created by the Convential Arms Trade: An Assessment of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, in: Global Governance, vol. 11, no. 2, 2005, 225-246. (with Edward J. Laurance and Hendrik Wagenmakers).
full text
Security Sector Reform in Developing Countries, in: Clem McCartney, Martina Fischer and Oliver Wils (eds), Security Sector Reform. Potentials and Challenges for Conflict Transformation. Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series, no. 2, 2004, 9-29 and 71-73. French Translation: Réforme du secteur de la sécurité dans les pays en développement et les pays en transition
full text
Security Sector Reform, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion, Conversion Survey 2003, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2003, 54 -63.
Security Sector Reform. BICC Brief no. 15, 2000. Bonn: Bonn International Center for Conversion (Editor).
full text
Security-Sector Reform in Developing Countries. Eschborn, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). 2000.
full text
German version: Reform des Sicherheitssectors in Entwicklungsländern. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). 2000.
full text